This Kind of Silence - is now available as an Audiobook 😊

I am super excited to announce the world-wide release of my audiobook - narrated by me, the author.  You can purchase it now on Itunes, Audible, and/or Amazon. (Find the links below)

For me, one of the most exciting parts of becoming a published author was knowing my book, This Kind of Silence, would be available in all formats - audiobook included. With an audiobook, there are alternatives to how, when and where we can enjoy a good read. 

For those of you in the USA and the UK that are interested in receiving a complimentary copy of the audiobook and would be willing to provide an honest, written review afterwards - please respond to this email and let me know! I will then promptly email you back with a link and promo code to get an immediate copy of the audiobook.  Simply reply to this email to contact me :) 

I thought you might like a glimpse of what it was like in the recording studio behind the scenes (video here)

It was one thing to silently read every written word and hear it conveyed in my mind, and a whole different experience to listen to my own voice sharing my story. 

When I suddenly lost my ability to hear, it wasn’t just others’ voices that seemed foreign.  Even my own voice sounded distant and distorted. With the release of this audiobook, I am celebrating the reminder of how valuable the sense of sound truly is. How grateful I am to hear today. And how important it is still to this day for me to turn my gaze inward for solutions during times of great struggle and confusion. 

Even if you’ve already read This Kind of Silence, I hope you will enjoy listening to me narrate the story. 

Maybe it will inspire you to reflect upon and remember the importance of self-care in your own daily life. 

  • Are you making regular time to do things you love to do - or are you finding yourself too busy and putting everyone else first? 

  • Have you taken opportunities lately to get out in nature and notice the wonders?

  • Have you thought about seeking some stillness and silence to learn to hear that inner voice of intuition or wisdom? 

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Remember - you’re worth making yourself a priority. It’s not selfish, it’s self-loving! 

I am so grateful for you — my longest and most loyal supporters and in thanks and appreciation for your following, I want to celebrate this exciting news with you first! 

May you continue to listen to whispers of wisdom within.

With eternal gratitude for the journey, Michele

Journaling as a way of listening and loving yourself more...

When I write, I write about how I feel. Writing in my journal gives me a break from logic, sense, judgment, and just plain old-thinking. I  can choose to be sarcastic, childish, or bratty, or I can be vulnerable, explorative, wise and philosophical.

Regardless, I pour myself out onto the page, watching my pen race across the terrain like a well-trained marathon runner. I am surprised at my ability to write candidly even when emotions are senselessly swirling around inside the blender of my head. As a result, embedded within the pages of my journals resides the person I truly am. 

Before  I put the first drops of ink into my new journal, I take a deep, cleansing breath, and hear the question inside my head I know it’s time to answer in the real world: Are you going to keep writing the same stuff and keep your mouth shut? Why do I stay silent?

Or are you going to stand up, be brave, and hear what you really feel? 

With eternal gratitude for the journey, Michele

These heart-centering whispers at sunrise…

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I witnessed the beauty and clarity of the December full moon - the final full moon of the year, and the decade - while it set over the Pacific Ocean in the Big Island of Hawaii this past week. I basked in the quiet dawn of the early morning and just watched, thinking of the journey the moon traveled since rising in boldness in the East, before setting with grace as the new day’s sun began to rise behind me.

The stillness of the moment - no one else around, no breeze through the palm trees,  no busy mind chatter through my head yet - seemed like an invitation for reflection. 

I feel the gentle call this time of year to turn my gaze inward and contemplate how my own seasons are shifting and changing. To explore my inner landscapes and take a look around to acknowledge the light as well as the darkness. To open up space within perhaps that has accumulated over the past days, weeks, even months.

The questions I hear are: What may I be ready to let go of? What no longer serves me? What can I release and open up space for, knowing that after the Winter journey, Spring will inevitably bring new blooms? And what am I most grateful for this past year as it comes to a close and anew awaits next month? 


May you feel the inspiration to listen to the whispers of wisdom within and not only do vulnerability - but BE vulnerability. 

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I know how powerful the mind/body/heart/soul connection is, and how important it is that we listen to our body’s own innate wisdom. We must take time to turn our gaze inward.

I learned the hard way. I spent months that turned into years searching externally for answers when odd and unusual health issues appeared. I didn’t realize I needed to search deeper within myself as well. 

That’s why I want to connect with you. These kinds of questions, contemplations, discussions, and truthful sharing feed my soul.

I hope that my own personal journey may serve as a reflective example of how you may be more compassionate, truthful and supportive with yourself during confusing and challenging times.

You are worth it! 

Have you ever wondered if your body has some important messages for you when it speaks?

Are you listening? Or are you too busy and annoyed, with more important things to focus on?

I also invite you to connect with me on my Facebook page and on Instagram for inspiration and conversation. 

May you feel the inspiration to listen to the whispers of wisdom within and not only do vulnerability - but BE vulnerability. 

With eternal gratitude for the journey,

To help you turn your gaze inward and find insights and realizations through personal inquiry and revelational self-care, sign up for my newsletter below for email updates from me personally.


Are you ready to let go of the “default mode”?


We aren’t as alone as we feared! 

I feel the gentle call this time of year to turn my gaze inward and contemplate how my own seasons are shifting and changing. To explore my inner landscapes and take a look around to acknowledge the light as well as the darkness. To open up space within perhaps that has accumulated over the past days, weeks, even months.

The questions I hear are: What may I be ready to let go of? What no longer serves me? What can I release and open up space for, knowing that after the Winter journey, Spring will inevitably bring new blooms? And what am I most grateful for this past year as it comes to a close and anew awaits next month? 

I know I am ready to let go of the “default mode” of self doubt that creeps up for a visit sometimes and messes with what I know is really true. A simple sentence that runs through my mind with I don’t think I can…; I don’t know if…

I am ready to bless and release comments like these because they’ve outstayed their welcome and I’m ready to replace the repetitive familiar tone with, I’m willing to try… ; Let’s see what happens if I… Maybe I can…

And…I am grateful for all of you - for all the incredible support, encouragement, and celebration of getting my first book, This Kind of Silence published and in the hands of interested readers. The reactions, emails, messages, notes, or comments about the impact of my journey on your own I truly treasure. I continue to be aware and in awe of the power and beauty of truthful sharing and conversation when we get real and reveal the vulnerability we didn’t see previously as strength. We aren’t as alone as we feared! 

How about joining me to jot down a few things you’re grateful for as 2019 comes to a close. What I have found about having a simple gratitude practice is this - the more I am grateful for - the more there is to be grateful for. Yes, gratitude grows. 


How I found my Publisher And Started to Write a Book at Retreat

When I finished and finalized my manuscript, had it professionally edited, revised it again, and reached completion of a full solid manuscript I was proud of, I sent it to Joanne to read. Not only was she full of praise, pride, and encouragement for me to seek all publishing opportunities, she also told me she would be honored to publish it if I wanted her as my publisher.

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