This Kind of Silence - is now available as an Audiobook ๐Ÿ˜Š

I am super excited to announce the world-wide release of my audiobook - narrated by me, the author.  You can purchase it now on Itunes, Audible, and/or Amazon. (Find the links below)

For me, one of the most exciting parts of becoming a published author was knowing my book, This Kind of Silence, would be available in all formats - audiobook included. With an audiobook, there are alternatives to how, when and where we can enjoy a good read. 

For those of you in the USA and the UK that are interested in receiving a complimentary copy of the audiobook and would be willing to provide an honest, written review afterwards - please respond to this email and let me know! I will then promptly email you back with a link and promo code to get an immediate copy of the audiobook.  Simply reply to this email to contact me :) 

I thought you might like a glimpse of what it was like in the recording studio behind the scenes (video here)

It was one thing to silently read every written word and hear it conveyed in my mind, and a whole different experience to listen to my own voice sharing my story. 

When I suddenly lost my ability to hear, it wasnโ€™t just othersโ€™ voices that seemed foreign.  Even my own voice sounded distant and distorted. With the release of this audiobook, I am celebrating the reminder of how valuable the sense of sound truly is. How grateful I am to hear today. And how important it is still to this day for me to turn my gaze inward for solutions during times of great struggle and confusion. 

Even if youโ€™ve already read This Kind of Silence, I hope you will enjoy listening to me narrate the story. 

Maybe it will inspire you to reflect upon and remember the importance of self-care in your own daily life. 

  • Are you making regular time to do things you love to do - or are you finding yourself too busy and putting everyone else first? 

  • Have you taken opportunities lately to get out in nature and notice the wonders?

  • Have you thought about seeking some stillness and silence to learn to hear that inner voice of intuition or wisdom? 

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Remember - youโ€™re worth making yourself a priority. Itโ€™s not selfish, itโ€™s self-loving! 

I am so grateful for you โ€” my longest and most loyal supporters and in thanks and appreciation for your following, I want to celebrate this exciting news with you first! 

May you continue to listen to whispers of wisdom within.

With eternal gratitude for the journey, Michele